Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Choice Skills Mock Homepage

I spent some time working on a mock version of the homepage. I think there are some really neat things we have already talked about in class, and I wanted to incorporate some of that. I didn't do it in native HTML (since I'm still a noob in that area), but I did do a mock up in Paint - I love MS Paint... :)

If you click on the above picture you can go to a larger version. The gray sections are areas where I admit my failure as a graphic artist and I think we can do some cool things. Also, the "Free Mini-Course" button does not need to look as tacky as it does in my graphic, but I like the placement right there. Right before the fold is where I see the Products line being. As long as people can see products "coming" at the bottom of the page they will know what's up. Below the fold we can discuss how we want to handle the "Add to Cart" and "View More Info" buttons.

As for the top menu bar, I foresee this having the things we listed out in class along with the "View Cart" link.

I'm going to concede that I'm really not that great at web design, but I do think some of these things will work in getting the site to a better place.

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